Keterangan: | Constant 260W Three Phase Digital Power Clamp Meter with Harmonic Test
Portable, light, and easy to carry, 260W measures and displays three parameters of power, they are a single-phase or three-phase active power, power factor, and passive power. Our new 260W has an extra feature to measure harmonic and sub harmonics without compromising the price.
AC Current : 20/ 40/ 100/ 200/ 450/ 1000A
AC Voltage : 80/ 180/ 400/ 600V
Single-phase active power : 30k/ 60k/ 120k/ 150k/ 300k/ 600kW
Three-phase active power : 3k/ 12k/ 30k/ 120k/ 150k/ 600kVA
Power factor : 0.3~ 1 capacitive/ inductive
Passive power : 3k/ 12k/ 30k/ 120k/ 150k/ 600kVAr
Frequency : 30~ 1kHz
Harmonic test : 1 / 2~ 6 / 7~ 8 / 9~ 10 / 11~ 15 / 16~ 20
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